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In the early 1980's, before digital imaging was on my radar, I made complex color images with multiple exposures with masks made while printing in the color darkroom. Each of the images were unique because I drew with a color penlight flashlight to add color around either contact printed or enlarged 4x5" negatives. I photogrammed objects and wrote on the images. I used many masks over the printing paper, changed color filter packs and prayed for the perfect outcome. At that point, I wished for a way to make images with less chance. As an exercise, I tried to make some of the images over with my digital skills well under my belt. Here are Lost in the Landscape Redux in progress. I haven't decided if the writing will be in or out on final versions. The prints are 24x30".

Early Lost in the Landscape images


barbara@barbarahoughtonphoto.com                                              all contents © barbara houghton 2022